作 者 | foxlit @ https://github.com/Gaboros/VenturePlan |
譯 者 | BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月)以及其他不詳補全者 |
修 改 者 | BNS (三皈依@暗影之月) |
最新5.8 任務排序增強版的介面,新增自訂任務排序功能,依據個人喜好,目前是經驗排最前,新橘裝材料次之,之後箱子金幣,然後才是其他任務,想自訂排序請修改aPaiXu.lua檔案。



檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
VenturePlan-v5.9.5 任務排序增強版.zip 永恆之盡 | 76.83 KB | 2,023 | 2022-06-07 | 修正米咕咕的技能 | 三皈依 |
檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
VenturePlan-v5.9.2 任務排序增強版.zip 永恆之盡 | 76.94 KB | 607 | 2022-03-15 | 更新法術,之前[自主機攻擊]此任務會報錯 但未實測是否還會有錯,重排隨從即可略過此錯誤 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-任務排序增強版v5.9.1.zip 永恆之盡 | 77.02 KB | 516 | 2022-03-06 | 更新算法與法術,新增分類低等箱子 從原本的箱子中分離,排序在金幣之後 經驗預設最前,有需要請自行修改aPaiXu.lua |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.9.0.zip 永恆之盡 | 76.51 KB | 562 | 2022-02-27 | 更新法術 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.9 任務排序增強版.zip 永恆之盡 | 76.57 KB | 955 | 2022-02-24 | 支援9.2 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.9.4 任務排序增強版.zip 永恆之盡 | 76.83 KB | 1,021 | 2022-04-04 | 經實測[自主機攻擊][防禦試煉]不再報錯 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.8 任務排序增強版.zip 統御之鏈 | 76.05 KB | 1,595 | 2021-11-11 | 修正一處錯誤重新上傳,很抱歉我的疏忽 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.7 任務排序增強版.7z 統御之鏈 | 59.32 KB | 461 | 2021-11-06 | 更新法術數據庫 鑒於轉換盟約後隨從可能要重新練起 再度將經驗值排序在前,無此需要可自行修改 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.6 任務排序增強版.7z 統御之鏈 | 59.34 KB | 664 | 2021-10-22 | 更新算法以及法術數據。 追隨者都已滿等,將純經驗任務移到最後 若還有升級需求,請自行修改aPaiXu.lua |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.5 任務排序增強版.7z 統御之鏈 | 58.98 KB | 556 | 2021-10-07 | 修改排序,追隨者都已滿等,將純經驗任務移到最後 若還有升級需求,請保留舊版的aPaiXu.lua不要更新 經驗值物品仍在最前,以備以後轉換誓盟可用 更新vs.lua,參考自國外論壇降低任務失敗率(未實測) 加入右鍵返回的音效。 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.4a 任務排序增強版.7z 統御之鏈 | 58.81 KB | 769 | 2021-09-20 | 右鍵空白處返回功能加回 無其他更新 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.3 任務排序增強版.7z 統御之鏈 | 58.94 KB | 2,317 | 2021-08-21 | 算法微調,無大更動。 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan v5.8.2 任務排序增強版.zip 統御之鏈 | 75.38 KB | 1,167 | 2021-08-19 | 調整版面以適應更多隨從 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan_v5.7beta.7z 統御之鏈 | 56.23 KB | 740 | 2021-08-09 | 參考自NGA高頻變壓器分享的版本 算法以及法術更新(未驗證是否比較正確) |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-5.6-beta-SoD任務更新.zip 統御之鏈 | 71.70 KB | 610 | 2021-08-05 | 參考VenturePlanSoDMissions 0.08 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.5-beta-SoD任務更新.7z 統御之鏈 | 56.22 KB | 1,791 | 2021-07-22 | 參考VenturePlanSoDMissions 修改vs-spells.lua,但未知是否正確 修改任務完成通知位置,如原版在框內 因為想配合CovenantMissionHelper 視窗必須左移,通知在左側會超出畫面 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.5beta-無報告提交版.7z 統御之鏈 | 56.19 KB | 747 | 2021-07-17 | 非強迫症者無須更新 我就是參考原作者最後版本 將[徵求:任務報告]這部分移除而已 既然不開發了無需再提交報告 其他都跟前版相同 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.4-beta-BNS修改版.7z 統御之鏈 | 57.52 KB | 392 | 2021-07-13 | 修改任務延遲,修改戰術書大小..等 加入任務中文精英稀有等提示。 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.3b-beta.7z 統御之鏈 | 57.46 KB | 184 | 2021-07-12 | 調整戰術指南書的大小與位置 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-v5.3-beta.zip 統御之鏈 | 73.75 KB | 194 | 2021-07-11 | Fixed auto attack type (ranged or melee) for enemies. Missions were reported as failure on the UI when they were success. |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-5.1beta.zip 統御之鏈 | 73.69 KB | 481 | 2021-07-10 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-5.0.zip 統御之鏈 | 64.09 KB | 413 | 2021-07-09 | 原作者表示對魔獸無愛已AFK不再維護 由其他人接手維護的版本,適用9.1新任務 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.16b.zip 統御之鏈 | 62.96 KB | 470 | 2021-07-06 | 由於作者一直沒發布9.1版本 此為自行修改版本並修改任務排序 不會再出現此指南可能已過期的訊息 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.16a.zip 暗影之境 | 62.95 KB | 561 | 2021-06-25 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.16-派發任務在前版本.7z 暗影之境 | 50.26 KB | 93 | 2021-06-22 | 除了派發的任務移動到最前 延遲調降其他與原版相同 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.15a.zip 暗影之境 | 71.93 KB | 858 | 2021-04-28 | 更新訊息請參閱來源網站 此為修改版本,已完成任務列在最前 已指派隊伍的任務右上有圖示標記 修改已完成任務會重複顯示問題 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.15.zip 暗影之境 | 64.59 KB | 144 | 2021-04-24 | 更新訊息請參閱來源網站 開始按鈕被指派隊伍取代 現在是將隊伍都指派好之後再一次派發 如果需要馬上派發請右鍵點擊指派隊伍 在短暫延遲後會將隊伍指派出去 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.14c.zip 暗影之境 | 62.02 KB | 488 | 2021-04-11 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.13.zip 暗影之境 | 72.17 KB | 969 | 2021-03-11 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.12a.zip 暗影之境 | 59.24 KB | 605 | 2021-02-27 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.11a.zip 暗影之境 | 67.13 KB | 554 | 2021-02-19 | 錯誤修正,翻譯補足 | 三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.11.zip 暗影之境 | 56.30 KB | 119 | 2021-02-18 | 現在可以讓《受詛咒的戰術指南》選擇部隊和戰術位置。 現在可以通過右鍵單擊"自殺式出擊"按鈕立即開始運行。 在離開任務頁面的同時按住ALT鍵可以防止分派臨時隊伍。 中文化已提交作者,但新的尚未加入,只好硬翻重傳。 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.10.zip 暗影之境 | 62.68 KB | 322 | 2021-02-16 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.09.zip 暗影之境 | 52.62 KB | 466 | 2021-02-09 | 三皈依 | |||||
VenturePlan-4.08.zip 暗影之境 | 39.03 KB | 594 | 2021-02-01 | 修正一處程式碼沒改到 另外微調翻譯重新上傳 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.07b.zip 暗影之境 | 38.07 KB | 556 | 2021-01-27 | 任務列表新增一個按鈕(頭顱) 將閒置中最低等的5個隨從派去送死 無視任務是否成功,送人頭賺經驗 修正更多錯誤,請記得更新 |
三皈依 | ||||
VenturePlan-4.06.zip 暗影之境 | 34.29 KB | 630 | 2021-01-15 | 三皈依 | |||||
Venture Plan 4.04.7z 暗影之境 | 25.63 KB | 816 | 2020-12-31 | 三皈依 |
莎子 · 2022-03-30 09:04:42
你好,我是大陸的玩家,但是早些年我也是在亞洲服務器玩的,這個插件我一直有在用,但是最近大陸這邊又不給下載了,能否麻煩樓主打一個壓縮包郵件傳給我?[email protected]
三皈依 · 2022-03-30 14:53:01
Nazar · 2022-03-13 06:21:52
86x VenturePlan\vs.lua:778: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'duration' (a nil value)
[string "@VenturePlan\vs.lua"]:778: in function `?'
[string "@VenturePlan\vs.lua"]:1228: in function `Turn'
[string "@VenturePlan\vs.lua"]:1258: in function `Run'
[string "@VenturePlan\MissionView.lua"]:387: in function `Run'
[string "@VenturePlan\MissionView.lua"]:801: in function <VenturePlan\MissionView.lua:800>
[string "@VenturePlan\MissionView.lua"]:823: in function <VenturePlan\MissionView.lua:814>
self = <table> {
bom = <table> {
liveFriends = 5
turn = 1
sq = <table> {
sqh = 26
checkpoints = <table> {
isSimLogTurnOn = false
board = <table> {
wmask = 29
over = false
sqt = 25
queue = <table> {
simLog = <table> {
liveEnemies = 5
unfinishedTurn = true
dropForks = true
pmask = 16
res = <table> {
boardOrder = <table> {
sourceIndex = 6
targetIndex = 6
targetSeq = 1
ord = 75100199
si = <table> {
target = 4
type = "aura"
modDamageTaken = 30
sid = 352
eid = 0
board = <table> {
1 = <table> {
2 = <table> {
3 = <table> {
4 = <table> {
6 = <table> {
7 = <table> {
0 = <table> {
10 = <table> {
12 = <table> {
9 = <table> {
su = <table> {
plusDamageTaken = 0
modDamageTakenH = 1
atk = 207
modDamageTaken = 1
hpR = 0
thornsDamage = 0
stacks = <table> {
plusDamageDealt = 0
modDamageDealtH = 1
maxHP = 6510
slot = 6
curHP = 6510
modDamageDealt = 1
tu = <table> {
plusDamageTaken = 0
modDamageTakenH = 1
atk = 207
modDamageTaken = 1
hpR = 0
thornsDamage = 0
stacks = <table> {
plusDamageDealt = 0
modDamageDealtH = 1
maxHP = 6510
slot = 6
curHP = 6510
modDamageDealt = 1
period = nil
duration = nil
mdd = nil
mdt = 30
pdda = nil
pdta = nil
thornsa = nil
thornsp = nil
hasDamage = nil
hasHeal = nil
modHPP = nil
modHPA = nil
pdd = nil
pdt = nil
(*temporary) = 74100200
(*temporary) = 74300199
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'duration' (a nil value)"
f32_pim = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:47
f32_fpim = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:51
mu = <table> {
taunt = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:857
nukem = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:837
modDamageTaken = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:517
stackf32 = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:476
cast = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:862
unshroud = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:652
untaunt = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:659
unstackf32 = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:492
modDamageDealt = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:514
aura0 = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:736
CheckCast = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:888
qcast = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:919
die = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:675
nuke = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:826
heal = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:846
dtick = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:615
aura = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:765
passive = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:710
statDelta = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:665
mend = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:632
damage = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:520
enq = <function> defined @VenturePlan\vs.lua:462
三皈依 · 2022-03-13 15:00:57
Nazar · 2022-03-13 23:29:05
Nazar · 2022-03-16 19:07:15
三皈依 · 2022-03-17 08:44:38
Nazar · 2022-03-19 07:05:55
再回報一個,[防禦試煉]也會壞掉 囧...
三皈依 · 2022-04-06 16:47:57
Nazar · 2022-04-10 05:21:10
感謝~~我再裝來用看看。是說這個作者是不是跟Opie同個作者?我前幾天開WOWUP發現Opie警告更新來源消失 O_Q 雖然在奇樂這裡有看到Opie很高興啦,這作者是爆氣把作品都砍掉了嗎
icewind · 2021-08-20 19:27:36
三大大你好: 追隨者任務桌這版失敗機率特別高(最新5.8 任務排序增強版),顯示成功回來卻是失敗(知道是預測機率)但比上版本來說失敗機率高很多,不知道大大有遇到過嗎?
三皈依 · 2021-08-20 19:43:40
icewind · 2021-08-20 20:08:36
三皈依 · 2021-08-21 00:13:39
icewind · 2021-08-21 08:46:37
icewind · 2021-08-22 08:48:53
初雪 · 2021-08-19 14:00:35
大大今早更新後,左側追隨者整個亂掉了44x VenturePlan\Widgets.lua:546: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)
[string "@VenturePlan\Widgets.lua"]:546: in function <VenturePlan\Widgets.lua:539>
[string "@VenturePlan\Widgets.lua"]:724: in function `Refresh'
[string "@VenturePlan\MissionView.lua"]:677: in function <VenturePlan\MissionView.lua:671>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@VenturePlan\Util.lua"]:204: in function `ShowMission'
[string "@VenturePlan\Widgets.lua"]:242: in function <VenturePlan\Widgets.lua:241>
self = nil
info = <table> {
isAutoTroop = false
followerTypeID = 123
soFavorite = 0
iLevel = 800
isCollected = true
classAtlas = "raceicon-undead-female"
autoCombatSpells = <table> {
isTroop = false
garrFollowerID = 1327
missionTimeEnd = 48396.915000
displayHeight = 0.500000
levelXP = 9900
status = "任務中"
level = 43
scale = 1
classSpec = 387
portraitIconID = 4183260
displayIDs = <table> {
isFavorite = false
role = 4
displayScale = 0.700000
autoCombatantStats = <table> {
xp = 2850
quality = 4
health = 1560
isMaxLevel = false
name = "艾拉"
followerID = "0x0000000029F378EB"
height = 0
isSoulbind = false
maxHealth = 2240
className = "德拉維沃爾"
s = nil
onMission = true
inTG = nil
vc = 0.250000
dc = 0.650000
mc = <table> {
GetRGB = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:20
OnLoad = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:9
b = 0.498000
GenerateHexColorMarkup = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:51
WrapTextInColorCode = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:55
GenerateHexColor = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:47
GetRGBA = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:28
IsEqualTo = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:13
g = 0.498000
r = 0.498000
SetRGBA = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:36
GetRGBAsBytes = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:24
SetRGB = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:43
GetRGBAAsBytes = <function> defined @SharedXML\Color.lua:32
mtl = "8小時"
(*temporary) = 26498
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = "8小時"
(*temporary) = "%d小時"
(*temporary) = 8
(*temporary) = "8小時"
(*temporary) = 8
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)"
S = <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
黃正煜 · 2022-10-28 10:47:05
譯者大概在忙,這個小UI 10.0大概也沒什麼用處了,原作者有更新前夕版本在google直接搜原作者頁面" Venture Plan - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge " 下載覆蓋就行了