作 者 | AzerPUG @ Curse |
譯 者 | BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) |
修 改 者 | BNS (三皈依@暗影之月) |

檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v53.zip 永恆之盡 | 10.13 KB | 155 | 2022-08-18 | 三皈依 |
檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v51.zip 永恆之盡 | 10.20 KB | 152 | 2022-03-21 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v50.zip 永恆之盡 | 10.28 KB | 126 | 2022-03-11 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v44.zip 統御之鏈 | 9.39 KB | 181 | 2021-09-30 | 修正合併錯誤 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v43.zip 統御之鏈 | 9.15 KB | 116 | 2021-09-24 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v42.zip 統御之鏈 | 9.13 KB | 165 | 2021-08-31 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v40.zip 統御之鏈 | 9.07 KB | 171 | 2021-08-19 | 現在也支援裂片升級提示 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v38.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.47 KB | 152 | 2021-08-13 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v37.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.74 KB | 116 | 2021-08-09 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v36.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.12 KB | 155 | 2021-08-02 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v35.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.17 KB | 198 | 2021-07-16 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v34.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.15 KB | 107 | 2021-07-14 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v33.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.32 KB | 158 | 2021-07-09 | 更新數據庫 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v32.zip 統御之鏈 | 8.23 KB | 183 | 2021-07-01 | 支援科西亞裝備 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUGsToolTips-v29.zip 暗影之境 | 7.54 KB | 139 | 2021-05-15 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUG's+ToolTips-v26.zip 暗影之境 | 6.89 KB | 142 | 2021-04-16 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUG's+ToolTips-v25.zip 暗影之境 | 6.87 KB | 112 | 2021-04-13 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUG's+ToolTips-v22.zip 暗影之境 | 6.51 KB | 112 | 2021-04-06 | 三皈依 | |||||
AzerPUG's+ToolTips-v20.zip 暗影之境 | 6.03 KB | 163 | 2021-03-30 | 插件已正式更名,請勿覆蓋安裝 資料夾名稱也不同,最好先刪除舊的 加入插件選項以及征服物品等 |
三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips-v16.zip 暗影之境 | 4.67 KB | 109 | 2021-03-25 | 錯誤修正 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips-v14.zip 暗影之境 | 4.33 KB | 42 | 2021-03-22 | 插件已正式更名(雖然檔案名稱沒變) 加入PVP物品的提示 |
三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips-v12.zip 暗影之境 | 4.17 KB | 90 | 2021-03-20 | 修正一處錯誤 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips+v8.zip 暗影之境 | 3.13 KB | 119 | 2021-03-16 | 加入括號以及版本檢查 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips+v5.zip 暗影之境 | 1.89 KB | 175 | 2021-03-14 | 再次修正點數花費 | 三皈依 | ||||
AzerPUG's+Valor+ToolTips+v4.zip 暗影之境 | 1.75 KB | 154 | 2021-03-13 | 依照WowHead的指南修改點數升級需求 如果跟實際還有出入,請留言部位以及點數 |
三皈依 |
旂恪 · 2021-03-21 23:01:28
新版本裝了,看冒險指南好像會一直報錯@@55x AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:78: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)
[string "@AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua"]:78: in function <AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:56>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetHyperlink'
[string "@Blizzard_EncounterJournal\Blizzard_EncounterJournal-1.0.lua"]:1936: in function `EncounterJournal_SetTooltip'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>
ttname = "GameTooltip"
(for index) = 4
(for limit) = 14
(for step) = 1
i = 4
left = GameTooltipTextLeft4 {
0 =
text = "提升等級:1/12"
cost = nil
cur = "1"
max = "12"
_ = "荒萎鎖鍊腿甲"
itemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:178762::::::::60:254::23:1:3524:1:28:749:::|h[荒萎鎖鍊腿甲]|h|r"
itemString = "-cffa335ee-Hitem:178762::::::::60:254::23:1:3524:1:28:749:::-h[荒萎鎖鍊腿甲]-h-r"
v1 = "-cffa335ee-Hitem"
v2 = "178762"
v3 = ""
v4 = ""
v5 = ""
v6 = ""
v7 = ""
v8 = ""
v9 = ""
v10 = "60"
v11 = "254"
v12 = ""
v13 = "23"
NumBonusIDs = "1"
BonusID1 = "3524"
BonusID2 = "1"
BonusID3 = "28"
BonusID4 = "749"
BonusID5 = ""
BonusID6 = ""
bonusIDList = <table> {
1 = 3524
2 = 1
3 = 28
4 = 749
levelsToMax = 11
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 3524
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)"
searchValue = "提升等級:"
ValorItems = <table> {
7425 = <table> {
7362 = <table> {
7426 = <table> {
7363 = <table> {
7427 = <table> {
7364 = <table> {
7428 = <table> {
7365 = <table> {
7429 = <table> {
7366 = <table> {
7367 = <table> {
7368 = <table> {
7432 = <table> {
7369 = <table> {
7433 = <table> {
7370 = <table> {
7434 = <table> {
7371 = <table> {
7435 = <table> {
7372 = <table> {
7436 = <table> {
7373 = <table> {
7437 = <table> {
7438 = <table> {
7439 = <table> {
7376 = <table> {
7440 = <table> {
7377 = <table> {
7441 = <table> {
7378 = <table> {
7442 = <table> {
7379 = <table> {
7443 = <table> {
7380 = <table> {
7381 = <table> {
7382 = <table> {
7383 = <table> {
7384 = <table> {
7385 = <table> {
7386 = <table> {
7387 = <table> {
7390 = <table> {
7391 = <table> {
7392 = <table> {
7393 = <table> {
7394 = <table> {
7395 = <table> {
7396 = <table> {
7397 = <table> {
7398 = <table> {
7399 = <table> {
7400 = <table> {
7401 = <table> {
7404 = <table> {
7405 = <table> {
7406 = <table> {
7407 = <table> {
7408 = <table> {
7409 = <table> {
7410 = <table> {
7347 = <table> {
7411 = <table> {
7348 = <table> {
7412 = <table> {
7349 = <table> {
7413 = <table> {
7350 = <table> {
7414 = <table> {
7351 = <table> {
7415 = <table> {
7352 = <table> {
7418 = <table> {
7419 = <table> {
7420 = <table> {
7255 = <table> {
7421 = <table> {
7358 = <table> {
7422 = <table> {
7254 = <table> {
7423 = <table> {
7253 = <table> {
7424 = <table> {
7252 = <table> {
7251 = <table> {
valorIcon = "|T463447:12|t"
三皈依 · 2021-03-22 09:57:21
旂恪 · 2021-03-22 22:25:22
旂恪 · 2021-03-22 23:34:12
45x AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:79: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)
[string "@AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua"]:79: in function <AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:55>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetInventoryItem'
[string "@FrameXML\PaperDollFrame.lua"]:1660: in function `PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnEnter'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>
ttname = "GameTooltip"
(for index) = 4
(for limit) = 11
(for step) = 1
i = 4
left = GameTooltipTextLeft4 {
0 =
text = "提升等級:12/12"
cost = nil
cur = 12
max = 12
currency = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
_ = "軌跡編織者墜飾"
itemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:178707::::::::60:254::16:6:7359:6652:7193:7387:1534:6646:1:28:1279:::|h[軌跡編織者墜飾]|h|r"
itemString = "-cffa335ee-Hitem:178707::::::::60:254::16:6:7359:6652:7193:7387:1534:6646:1:28:1279:::-h[軌跡編織者墜飾]-h-r"
v1 = "-cffa335ee-Hitem"
v2 = "178707"
v3 = ""
v4 = ""
v5 = ""
v6 = ""
v7 = ""
v8 = ""
v9 = ""
v10 = "60"
v11 = "254"
v12 = ""
v13 = "16"
NumBonusIDs = "6"
BonusID1 = "7359"
BonusID2 = "6652"
BonusID3 = "7193"
BonusID4 = "7387"
BonusID5 = "1534"
BonusID6 = "6646"
bonusIDList = <table> {
1 = 7359
2 = 6652
3 = 7193
4 = 7387
5 = 1534
6 = 6646
displayIcon = "|T463447:12|t"
levelsToMax = 0
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 6
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 6646
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)"
searchValue = "提升等級:"
ItemUpgrades = <table> {
7426 = <table> {
7427 = <table> {
7428 = <table> {
7429 = <table> {
7432 = <table> {
7433 = <table> {
7434 = <table> {
7435 = <table> {
7436 = <table> {
7437 = <table> {
7438 = <table> {
7439 = <table> {
7440 = <table> {
7441 = <table> {
7442 = <table> {
7443 = <table> {
7231 = <table> {
7232 = <table> {
7233 = <table> {
7234 = <table> {
7235 = <table> {
7236 = <table> {
7237 = <table> {
7251 = <table> {
7252 = <table> {
7253 = <table> {
7254 = <table> {
7255 = <table> {
6773 = <table> {
6774 = <table> {
6775 = <table> {
6776 = <table> {
6777 = <table> {
6778 = <table> {
6780 = <table> {
6781 = <table> {
6782 = <table> {
6783 = <table> {
6784 = <table> {
6785 = <table> {
6786 = <table> {
6787 = <table> {
6788 = <table> {
6789 = <table> {
6790 = <table> {
6791 = <table> {
6792 = <table> {
6793 = <table> {
6794 = <table> {
6795 = <table> {
6796 = <table> {
6797 = <table> {
6798 = <table> {
6799 = <table> {
6800 = <table> {
6801 = <table> {
7347 = <table> {
7348 = <table> {
7349 = <table> {
7350 = <table> {
7351 = <table> {
7352 = <table> {
7158 = <table> {
7157 = <table> {
7358 = <table> {
7156 = <table> {
7155 = <table> {
7154 = <table> {
7362 = <table> {
7363 = <table> {
7364 = <table> {
7365 = <table> {
7366 = <table> {
7367 = <table> {
7368 = <table> {
7369 = <table> {
7370 = <table> {
7371 = <table> {
7372 = <table> {
7373 = <table> {
7153 = <table> {
7152 = <table> {
7376 = <table> {
7377 = <table> {
7378 = <table> {
7379 = <table> {
7380 = <table> {
7381 = <table> {
7382 = <table> {
7383 = <table> {
7384 = <table> {
7385 = <table> {
7386 = <table> {
7387 = <table> {
7151 = <table> {
7150 = <table> {
7390 = <table> {
7391 = <table> {
7392 = <table> {
7393 = <table> {
7394 = <table> {
7395 = <table> {
7396 = <table> {
7397 = <table> {
7398 = <table> {
7399 = <table> {
7400 = <table> {
7401 = <table> {
7147 = <table> {
7148 = <table> {
7404 = <table> {
7405 = <table> {
7406 = <table> {
7407 = <table> {
7408 = <table> {
7409 = <table> {
7410 = <table> {
7411 = <table> {
7412 = <table> {
7413 = <table> {
7414 = <table> {
7415 = <table> {
7149 = <table> {
7146 = <table> {
7418 = <table> {
7419 = <table> {
7420 = <table> {
7421 = <table> {
7422 = <table> {
7423 = <table> {
7424 = <table> {
7425 = <table> {
7145 =
45x AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:79: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)
[string "@AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua"]:79: in function <AzerPUG's Valor ToolTips\main.lua:55>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetInventoryItem'
[string "@FrameXML\PaperDollFrame.lua"]:1660: in function `PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnEnter'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>
ttname = "GameTooltip"
(for index) = 4
(for limit) = 11
(for step) = 1
i = 4
left = GameTooltipTextLeft4 {
0 =
text = "提升等級:12/12"
cost = nil
cur = 12
max = 12
currency = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
_ = "軌跡編織者墜飾"
itemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:178707::::::::60:254::16:6:7359:6652:7193:7387:1534:6646:1:28:1279:::|h[軌跡編織者墜飾]|h|r"
itemString = "-cffa335ee-Hitem:178707::::::::60:254::16:6:7359:6652:7193:7387:1534:6646:1:28:1279:::-h[軌跡編織者墜飾]-h-r"
v1 = "-cffa335ee-Hitem"
v2 = "178707"
v3 = ""
v4 = ""
v5 = ""
v6 = ""
v7 = ""
v8 = ""
v9 = ""
v10 = "60"
v11 = "254"
v12 = ""
v13 = "16"
NumBonusIDs = "6"
BonusID1 = "7359"
BonusID2 = "6652"
BonusID3 = "7193"
BonusID4 = "7387"
BonusID5 = "1534"
BonusID6 = "6646"
bonusIDList = <table> {
1 = 7359
2 = 6652
3 = 7193
4 = 7387
5 = 1534
6 = 6646
displayIcon = "|T463447:12|t"
levelsToMax = 0
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 6
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 6646
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = <table> {
Icon = "|T463447:12|t"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'cost' (a nil value)"
searchValue = "提升等級:"
ItemUpgrades = <table> {
7426 = <table> {
7427 = <table> {
7428 = <table> {
7429 = <table> {
7432 = <table> {
7433 = <table> {
7434 = <table> {
7435 = <table> {
7436 = <table> {
7437 = <table> {
7438 = <table> {
7439 = <table> {
7440 = <table> {
7441 = <table> {
7442 = <table> {
7443 = <table> {
7231 = <table> {
7232 = <table> {
7233 = <table> {
7234 = <table> {
7235 = <table> {
7236 = <table> {
7237 = <table> {
7251 = <table> {
7252 = <table> {
7253 = <table> {
7254 = <table> {
7255 = <table> {
6773 = <table> {
6774 = <table> {
6775 = <table> {
6776 = <table> {
6777 = <table> {
6778 = <table> {
6780 = <table> {
6781 = <table> {
6782 = <table> {
6783 = <table> {
6784 = <table> {
6785 = <table> {
6786 = <table> {
6787 = <table> {
6788 = <table> {
6789 = <table> {
6790 = <table> {
6791 = <table> {
6792 = <table> {
6793 = <table> {
6794 = <table> {
6795 = <table> {
6796 = <table> {
6797 = <table> {
6798 = <table> {
6799 = <table> {
6800 = <table> {
6801 = <table> {
7347 = <table> {
7348 = <table> {
7349 = <table> {
7350 = <table> {
7351 = <table> {
7352 = <table> {
7158 = <table> {
7157 = <table> {
7358 = <table> {
7156 = <table> {
7155 = <table> {
7154 = <table> {
7362 = <table> {
7363 = <table> {
7364 = <table> {
7365 = <table> {
7366 = <table> {
7367 = <table> {
7368 = <table> {
7369 = <table> {
7370 = <table> {
7371 = <table> {
7372 = <table> {
7373 = <table> {
7153 = <table> {
7152 = <table> {
7376 = <table> {
7377 = <table> {
7378 = <table> {
7379 = <table> {
7380 = <table> {
7381 = <table> {
7382 = <table> {
7383 = <table> {
7384 = <table> {
7385 = <table> {
7386 = <table> {
7387 = <table> {
7151 = <table> {
7150 = <table> {
7390 = <table> {
7391 = <table> {
7392 = <table> {
7393 = <table> {
7394 = <table> {
7395 = <table> {
7396 = <table> {
7397 = <table> {
7398 = <table> {
7399 = <table> {
7400 = <table> {
7401 = <table> {
7147 = <table> {
7148 = <table> {
7404 = <table> {
7405 = <table> {
7406 = <table> {
7407 = <table> {
7408 = <table> {
7409 = <table> {
7410 = <table> {
7411 = <table> {
7412 = <table> {
7413 = <table> {
7414 = <table> {
7415 = <table> {
7149 = <table> {
7146 = <table> {
7418 = <table> {
7419 = <table> {
7420 = <table> {
7421 = <table> {
7422 = <table> {
7423 = <table> {
7424 = <table> {
7425 = <table> {
7145 =
三皈依 · 2021-03-22 23:47:15
旂恪 · 2021-03-23 13:53:28
闇影元素 · 2021-08-25 17:19:36
三皈依 · 2021-08-25 18:19:14
旂恪 · 2021-08-28 20:20:07
更新後會報這個錯誤59x AzerPUGsToolTips\ToolTips.lua:211: bad argument #4 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@AzerPUGsToolTips\ToolTips.lua"]:211: in function `SetLegendaryToolTip'
[string "@AzerPUGsToolTips\ToolTips.lua"]:116: in function `CheckShadowlandsLegendaryItem'
[string "@AzerPUGsToolTips\ToolTips.lua"]:16: in function <AzerPUGsToolTips\ToolTips.lua:14>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetBagItem'
[string "@FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua"]:1371: in function `ContainerFrameItemButton_OnUpdate'
[string "@FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua"]:1418: in function `ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>
(*temporary) = "等級 %d: %d %s (下一級)"
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = 1100
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
旂恪 · 2021-08-29 00:09:04
三皈依 · 2021-08-29 12:50:59
三皈依 · 2021-08-31 19:34:23