


檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
Interface-20250330.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250330 | 92.06 MB | 37 | 2025-03-30 | 更新 DBM, MasqueBlizzBars, MythicDungeonTools, TinyInspect 修正 自動喊話在團本中取消,避免擾民。 補上第二賽季傳送門自動喊話。 |
米利 | |||
字型檔 Fonts.zip 小心幽坑 | 1.0 | 17.89 MB | 4,584 | 2021-06-14 | 解壓縮 Fonts 資料夾至 World of Warcraft\_retail_ 內。 雙擊「安裝字型.bat」安裝字型。 |
米利 |
檔案名稱 | 檔案版本 | 檔案大小 | 下載次數 | 上傳時間 | 註 記 | 上傳者 | |||
Interface-20250324.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250324 | 92.06 MB | 104 | 2025-03-24 | 更新 DBM, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, Auctionator 新增 MythicPlusTimer |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250320.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250320 | 92.00 MB | 102 | 2025-03-20 | 更新 EnhBloodlust, Decursive, ParagonReputation, DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250315.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250315 | 96.96 MB | 138 | 2025-03-15 | 更新 AutoMark, BtWQuests, Baganator, Syndicator, KeystoneLoot DBM, Cell, AstralKeys, MythicDungeonTools, Auctionator, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, MplusAdventureGuide |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250308.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250308 | 95.10 MB | 141 | 2025-03-08 | 更新 DBM, DBM-VPAnnieSeal, MythicDungeonTools, AutoMark |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250306.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250306 | 91.13 MB | 102 | 2025-03-06 | 更新 DBM, Cell, Details, Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, AppearanceTooltip, MCL |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250228.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250228 | 91.15 MB | 159 | 2025-02-28 | 修正 修正 Baganator 內的物品邊框上色失效 更新 Masque_Raeli, MasqueBlizzBars, Automark, Plater, MplusAdventureGuide 針對新功能-插件分類做整理 移除 WorldBossTimers, MazeHelper |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250227.zip 小心幽坑 | 20250227 | 91.89 MB | 133 | 2025-02-27 | 更新 11.1 更新 (尚未針對新功能-插件分類做整理,下次更新再說) |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250210.zip 地心之戰 | 20250210 | 91.30 MB | 191 | 2025-02-10 | 更新 DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250121.zip 地心之戰 | 20250121 | 87.66 MB | 186 | 2025-01-21 | 更新 DBM, Details, TargetNameplateIndicator, EditModeExpanded, Baganator, Syndicator, SilverDragon, PremadeGroupsFilter, Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, MCL, Decursive, Auctionator, Plumber, Leatrix_Plus |
米利 | |||
Interface-20250104.zip 地心之戰 | 20250104 | 87.29 MB | 235 | 2025-01-04 | 更新版本號至11.0.7 更新 PremadeGroupsFilter, DBM, DBM-VPAnnieSeal, WA, MCL, Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, Leatrix_Plus, SilverDragon, Baganator, Syndicator, Details |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241214.zip 地心之戰 | 20241214 | 98.69 MB | 287 | 2024-12-14 | 更新 DBM, Details, AutoMark, Baganator, Syndicator, WA, Plumber |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241116.zip 地心之戰 | 20241116 | 98.40 MB | 321 | 2024-11-16 | 修正 TinyInspect 設定預設值 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241115.zip 地心之戰 | 20241115 | 98.40 MB | 29 | 2024-11-15 | 更新 DBM, Baganator, Syndicator, TinyTooltip-Reforged, TinyInspect, Plumber, Decursive, Details, MCL, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, MRT, Leatrix_Plus, SilverDragon, Decursive |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241102.zip 地心之戰 | 20241102 | 97.22 MB | 271 | 2024-11-02 | 更新 Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, TeleportMenu, Baganator, Syndicator, Leatrix_Plus, Auctionator, EditModeExpanded, Exlist, Postal, Plumber, DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241027.zip 地心之戰 | 20241027 | 97.78 MB | 247 | 2024-10-27 | 更新 DBM, Baganator, Syndicator, TinyTooltip-Reforged, TeleportMenu, WeakAuras, Plumber, Exlist 其餘版本號更新 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241022.zip 地心之戰 | 20241022v2 | 97.55 MB | 260 | 2024-10-22 | V2 更新 還原 Masque 更新導致背包物品邊框著色異常 更新 DBM, Cell, AstralKeys, SilverDragon, Masque, MasqueBlizzBars, Plater, WeakAuras |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241011.zip 地心之戰 | 20241011 | 96.80 MB | 222 | 2024-10-11 | 更新 Cell, Details, MSBT, SilverDragon, Decursive 新增 AutoMark |
米利 | |||
Interface-20241003.zip 地心之戰 | 20241003 | 96.61 MB | 201 | 2024-10-03 | 更新 Plater, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, KeystoneLoot, Baganator, PremadeGroupsFilter, MythicDungeonTools, EditModeExpanded, Plumber, BtWQuests, DBM, SilverDragon, Details |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240927.zip 地心之戰 | 20240927 | 96.00 MB | 168 | 2024-09-27 | 更新 DBM, EditModeExpanded, Bagnator, Syndicator, MazeHelper, AppearanceTooltip, BtWQuests, PremadeGroupsFilter |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240921.zip 地心之戰 | 20240921 | 95.97 MB | 208 | 2024-09-21 | 更新 Details, DBM, BtWQuest, Exlist, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, MythicDungeonTools, Bagnator, AstraKeys, MCL 調整 嗜血音樂音量調整 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240917.zip 地心之戰 | 20240917 | 95.55 MB | 128 | 2024-09-17 | 更新 DBM, KeystoneLoot, MplusAdventureGuide, MythicDungeonTools 新增 MazeHelper |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240915.zip 地心之戰 | 20240915 | 95.35 MB | 61 | 2024-09-15 | 更新 MCL, SilverDragon, AstralKeys. PremadeGroupsFilter, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin, STUF, Syndicator, Bagnator, DBM, WA 新增 KeystoneLoot |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240911.zip 地心之戰 | 20240911 | 95.27 MB | 170 | 2024-09-11 | 更新 DBM, Cell, TeleportMenu, HandyNotes_TheWarWithin |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240908.zip 地心之戰 | 20240908 | 95.27 MB | 92 | 2024-09-08 | 更新 Plumber, DBM, Bagnator, Syndicator, SilverDragon, HandyNotes: The War Within, EditModeExpanded, Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI 調整 STUF 頭像顯示施法條 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240902.zip 地心之戰 | 20240902 | 95.22 MB | 194 | 2024-09-02 | 更新 BtWQuests, MCL, AstralKeys, Stuf, Auctionator, HandyNotes series, MSBT, Leatrix_Plus, EditModeExpanded, tullaRange, ParagonReputation, Bagnator, Syndicator 新增 SilverDragon - 稀有怪通知 Teleport - 傳送選單 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240824b.zip 地心之戰 | 20240824b | 91.64 MB | 360 | 2024-08-27 | b版修正 修正 Exlist 預設不直接在畫面上顯示 icon,顯示小地圖 icon 新增 BtWQuests 更新 MCL, MythicDungeonTools, AppearanceTooltip, TinyTooltip-Reforged, Cell, Details, PremadeGroupsFilter, ParagonReputation, Decursive, DBM, Bagnator, Syndicator 這次有整理移除很多 DBM 和 HandyNotes 舊資料片模組, 建議移除整個 Interface 或 Addons 資料夾重新安裝 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240823.zip 地心之戰 | 20240823 | 91.85 MB | 39 | 2024-08-23 | 更新 修正 MplusAdventureGuide 會造成戰隊轉移功能錯誤的問題 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240817.zip 地心之戰 | 20240817v2 | 91.85 MB | 134 | 2024-08-17 | 更新 版本號、WA、Stuf、MRT 移除 FloTotemBar |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240817.zip 地心之戰 | 20240817 | 95.04 MB | 24 | 2024-08-17 | 更新 11.0.2 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240811.zip 地心之戰 | 20240811 v2 | 74.65 MB | 203 | 2024-08-11 | 更新 Plater, Details, Cell, Bagnator, Syndicator, Mapster, TinyChat 移除 Details_Elitism |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240807.zip 地心之戰 | 20240807 | 74.60 MB | 112 | 2024-08-07 | 更新 DBM, Details, PremadeGruopsFilter |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240729.zip 地心之戰 | 20240729 | 74.59 MB | 172 | 2024-07-29 | 更新 AppearanceTooltip |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240729.zip 地心之戰 | 20240729 | 74.59 MB | 52 | 2024-07-29 | 修正 DBM 語音預設值錯誤修正 更新 TinyChat, KrowiExtendedVendorUI, AppearanceTooltip, STUF, DBM, TinyInspect, Plumber 移除 TLDRMissions |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240725.zip 地心之戰 | 20240725 | 74.76 MB | 485 | 2024-07-25 | 11.0 第一版,特別感謝 Dololo 修正好多 UI! 移除 WorldQuestTab, WorldQestTabUtilities, NoTaint2 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240602.zip 黑暗之心 | 20240602 | 74.00 MB | 466 | 2024-06-02 | 更新 DBM, Cell, HandyNotes, HandyNotes_Valdrakken, Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, Plumber, Decursive, Details, AppearanceTooltip, EditModeExpanded |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240511.zip 黑暗之心 | 20240511 | 73.16 MB | 224 | 2024-05-11 | 更新 Masque 新增 Bagnator, Syndicator, PremadeGroupsFilter 移除 BagBrother, Bagnon, Bagnon_Config, Bagnon_Masque, Bagnon_VoidStorage, DFFriendlyNameplates 若直接覆蓋,記得手動刪除上面移除的插件資料夾 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240510.zip 黑暗之心 | 20240510 | 73.27 MB | 65 | 2024-05-10 | 更新 TinyInspect, Bagnon 新增 Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI, Plater, DFFriendlyNameplates 移除 PremadeGroupFilter, TidyPlates_ThreatPlates, ExtVendor 若直接覆蓋,記得手動刪除 PremadeGroupFilter, TidyPlates_ThreatPlates 和 ExtVendor 資料夾 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240509.zip 黑暗之心 | 20240509 | 73.14 MB | 158 | 2024-05-09 | 更新 版本號預更新,祈禱 10.2.7 不要有太多錯誤。 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240501.zip 強襲風暴 | 20240501 | 73.17 MB | 136 | 2024-05-01 | 更新 Bagnon, Auctionator, MCL, PremadeGroupsFilter, DBM, DBM-VPAnnieSeal, Conceal, MPlusAdventureGuide, WeakAuras, Mapster, HandyNotes_Valdrakken, WorldQuestTab 移除 Drift |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240426.zip 強襲風暴 | 20240426 | 72.64 MB | 110 | 2024-04-26 | 更新 S4 更新 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240411.zip 強襲風暴 | 20240411 | 72.99 MB | 152 | 2024-04-11 | 更新 DBM, WA, EditModeExpanded, PremadeGroupsFilter, Details |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240309.zip 復興之種 | 20240309 | 72.73 MB | 310 | 2024-03-09 | 更新 DBM, Bagnon, TidyPlates-ThreatPlates, Auctionator, Plumber, EditModeExpanded |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240223.zip 復興之種 | 20240223 | 72.77 MB | 147 | 2024-02-23 | 更新 DBM, ThreatPates, Details, Bagnon, Decursive |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240207.zip 復興之種 | 20240207 | 72.73 MB | 142 | 2024-02-07 | 更新 Plumber, EditModeExpanded, AppearanceTooltip, Auctionator, Bagnon, Details, DBM, TidyPlates_ThreatPlates |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240128.zip 復興之種 | 20240128 | 72.67 MB | 84 | 2024-01-28 | 更新 Bagnon, Plumber, Cell 新增 簡單的施法喊話,使用第三賽季傳送門時會在隊伍通報,術士傳送門、製造靈魂之井以及法師的召喚餐點都會提醒。 未來會做選項讓大家選擇開啟或關閉。 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240124.zip 復興之種 | 20240124 | 72.66 MB | 57 | 2024-01-24 | 更新 DBM, Details, EditModeExpanded, Bagnon, Leatrix Plus 此次 Bagnon 修正 ESC 無法關閉背包的問題,以及更新 Bagnon 完整繁中翻譯 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240123.zip 復興之種 | 20240123 | 72.65 MB | 32 | 2024-01-23 | 更新 BlockMessageTeamGuard, Details, Decursive 新增 ChatCopyPaste - 複製聊天視窗文字與網址 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240121.zip 復興之種 | 20240121 | 72.14 MB | 35 | 2024-01-21 | 更新 DBM, Cell, EditModeExpanded, Advanced Interface Options, Bagnon |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240119.zip 復興之種 | 20240119 | 72.14 MB | 67 | 2024-01-19 | 更新 Details, Bagnon, WA |
米利 | |||
Interface-20240118-v2.zip 復興之種 | 20240118-v2 | 72.07 MB | 63 | 2024-01-18 | 修正錯誤 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20240118.zip 復興之種 | 20240118 | 71.63 MB | 126 | 2024-01-18 | 10.2.5 初版 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20231201.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231201 | 71.16 MB | 283 | 2023-12-01 | 更新 Cell 加入 EquipSee - 裝備管理員名稱顯示 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231129.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231129 | 71.14 MB | 40 | 2023-11-29 | 更新 DBM、Astral Keys、Threat_Plates、HandyNotes 巨龍崛起模組、 MCL、Postal、Details、MPlusAdventureGuide |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231117.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231117 | 71.15 MB | 210 | 2023-11-17 | 更新 DBM、Cell、WA、MplusAdventureGuide、Details 修正 MplusAdventureGuide - 英雄與神話預估裝等顯示 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231115.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231115 | 71.14 MB | 34 | 2023-11-15 | 更新 Plumber 並調整預設位置, DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231114.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231114 | 71.10 MB | 43 | 2023-11-14 | 更新 STUF - focus 框架預設位置調整 加入 Plumber - 並調整種子顯示位置 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231112.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231112 | 70.40 MB | 39 | 2023-11-12 | 更新 MplusAdventureGuide(並修正第三季裝備的裝等區間顯示問題) 修正 TinyInspect 移除讀取緩存,避免升級或轉化欄位出現不正常的裝等與部位 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231110.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231110 | 70.26 MB | 87 | 2023-11-10 | 更新 DBM, WeakAuras, Auctionator, Details, AdvancedInterfaceOption, TinyTooltip-Reforged, Bagnon 特別調整 Bagnon 背包,製作物品的品質現在不會被物品邊框擋住。 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20231109.zip 夢境守護者 | 20231109 | 70.45 MB | 92 | 2023-11-09 | 更新 10.2 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20231021.zip 狂怒化身 | 20231021 | 70.01 MB | 211 | 2023-10-21 | 10.1.7 更新 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20230816.zip 時光的裂痕 | 20230816 | 69.79 MB | 323 | 2023-08-16 | 更新 Cell, Details, EditModeExpanded, Auctionator, TinyChat, MCL, DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230803.zip 時光的裂痕 | 20230803 | 69.62 MB | 195 | 2023-08-03 | 更新 DBM、ExtVendor、Details、HandyNotes、Enhanced Bloodlust、 Premade Groups Filter、Decursive、Edit Mode Expanded、Auctionator、Cell 加入 OmniCD(預設關閉) |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230717.zip 時光的裂痕 | 20230717 | 68.48 MB | 125 | 2023-07-17 | 更新 DBM, DBM-VPAnnieSeal, Details, Postal, Edit Mode Expanded, Cell, Drift 加入 Premade Groups Filter - 預組隊伍過濾 調整 TinyInspect - 預設檢查腿部附魔 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230714.zip 時光的裂痕 | 20230714 | 68.32 MB | 120 | 2023-07-14 | 10.1.5 更新 特別感謝彩虹 UI - Dololo 和 BNS 大大的貢獻 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230605.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230605 | 68.04 MB | 245 | 2023-06-05 | 更新 Cell、DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230528.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230528 | 68.04 MB | 107 | 2023-05-28 | 更新 Decursive、Cell、Details、DBM 加入 TinyInspect 移除 TinyInspect-Reforged、Bagnon_ItemLevel 若直接覆蓋,記得手動刪除 TinyInspect-Reforged 以及 Bagnon_ItemLevel 資料夾 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230521.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230521 | 68.42 MB | 153 | 2023-05-21 | 更新 DBM、Bagnon 新增 AstralKeys、Mythic+ Gearing Conveniences、Bagnon ItemLevel、Need To Know |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230518.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230518 | 65.64 MB | 103 | 2023-05-18 | 例行更新 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20230505.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230505 | 65.20 MB | 207 | 2023-05-05 | 10.1 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20230504.zip 奈薩里奧的餘燼 | 20230504 | 65.20 MB | 36 | 2023-05-04 | 10.1 更新UI與版本號 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230411.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20230411 | 64.66 MB | 219 | 2023-04-11 | 10.0.7 更新 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20230220.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20230220 | 64.55 MB | 300 | 2023-02-20 | 更新 DBM、Cell、TidyPlates_ThreatPlates、HandyNotes_Dragonflight、TinyChat |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230202.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20230202 | 64.49 MB | 290 | 2023-02-02 | 本次更新建議刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 更新 DBM、Tinychat、Cell、EditModeExpanded、MCL、TidyPlates_ThreatPlates、 BlizzBuffsFacade、Bagnon、BagBrother、Masque、MasqueBlizzBars、 Masque_Raeli、WA、Leatrix_Plus 特別感謝彩虹 UI - Dololo 提供過濾廣告版本的 Tinychat |
米利 | |||
Interface-20230120.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20230120 | 64.46 MB | 329 | 2023-01-20 | 本次更新建議刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 新增 DBM-VPAnnieSeal 移除 DBM-VPVV 更新 Decursive、Masque、MasqueBlizzBars、 MasqueRaeli、 LeatrixPlus、DBM、Auctionator、WA、MRT、tullaRange、 EnhBloodlust、Cell、ThreatPlates、TinyTooltip-Reforged、 TinyInspect-Reforged、Details |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221219.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221219 | 56.47 MB | 461 | 2022-12-19 | 新增 HandyNotes_Valdrakken HandyNotes_Dragonflight 移除 HandyNotes_DragonflightTreasures 更新 WeakAuras、WorldQuestTab、DBM |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221201.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221201 | 53.58 MB | 451 | 2022-12-01 | 更新 Cell |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221129.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221129 | 53.59 MB | 310 | 2022-11-29 | 新增 WorldBossTimers - 世界頭目計時 MCL - 顯示坐騎收藏記錄,從小地圖旁插件列表內可進入,若顯示開啟失敗則多點幾次即可。 更新 MSBT - 補上龍能翻譯、 Decursive、Details、Stuf、Cell、 EnhBloodlust、Auctionator、 Mythic Dungeon Tools、WA、 Bagnon、Edit Mode Expanded、 AppearanceTooltip、Leatrix Plus、 ThreatPlates |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221121.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221121 | 52.82 MB | 236 | 2022-11-21 | 本次更新請刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 移除 TinyInspect 加入 TinyInspect Regorged Stuf Unit Frames 更新 HandyNotes: Dragonflight Treasures Enhanced Bloodlust EditModeExpanded World Quest Tab Cell |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221120.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221120 | 52.49 MB | 93 | 2022-11-20 | 更新一大堆 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20221119.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221119 V2 | 52.49 MB | 185 | 2022-11-19 | 請刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 支援 10.0.2 持續更新中,請記得回來看看有沒有新版本 V2 修正 Bagnon,等待作者正式版本前先將就一下 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221107.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221107 | 50.74 MB | 299 | 2022-11-07 | 加入 NoTaint2 修正 Shooter |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221105.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221105 | 50.74 MB | 75 | 2022-11-05 | 請刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 調整 DBM 樣式預設值調整 TinyInspect 預設值調整 更新 TidyPlates_ThreatPlates、Edit Mode Expanded、Cell 移除 Bagnon GuildBank |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221103.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221103 | 50.65 MB | 127 | 2022-11-03 | 請刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 部分UI預設值調整 加入Bagnon_Masque、BlizzBuffsFacade、MasqueBlizzBars 使介面風格保持一致 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20221102.zip 巨龍崛起 | 20221102 | 51.50 MB | 60 | 2022-11-02 | 請刪除舊有 Interface 重新安裝 頭像 UI Stuf 待作者更新 移除 Bartender4,使用內建快捷 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20220729.zip 永恆之盡 | 20220729 | 53.00 MB | 389 | 2022-07-29 | 9.2.5 請移除舊有 Addons 再重新安裝 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20210810.zip 統御之鏈 | 20210810 | 46.99 MB | 850 | 2021-08-10 | 更新 DBM、Cell、Auctionator、 WeekKeys、TidyPlates_ThreatPlates |
米利 | |||
Interface-20210717.zip 統御之鏈 | 20210717 | 46.96 MB | 338 | 2021-07-17 | 更新 DBM, Auctionator, Venture Plan Cell, Yokey, HandyNotes: Shadowlands |
米利 | |||
Interface-20210711.zip 統御之鏈 | 20210711 | 46.96 MB | 159 | 2021-07-11 | 更新 DBM、 Venture Plan 修正 DBM 樣式錯誤訊息 調整 DBM 預設樣式 |
米利 | |||
Interface-20210709.zip 統御之鏈 | 20210709 | 46.95 MB | 54 | 2021-07-09 | 更新 Postal, Decursive, DBM, Adventure Guide Lockouts, Cell |
米利 | |||
Interface-20210707.zip 統御之鏈 | 20210707 | 46.98 MB | 76 | 2021-07-07 | 9.1 初版 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20210629.zip 暗影之境 | 20210629 | 46.40 MB | 154 | 2021-06-29 | 米利 | ||||
Interface-20210619.zip 暗影之境 | 20210619 | 46.79 MB | 125 | 2021-06-19 | 米利 | ||||
Interface-20210614.zip 暗影之境 | 20210614 | 45.84 MB | 70 | 2021-06-14 | 建議移除原有 Interface 重新安裝 | 米利 | |||
Interface-20210209.zip 暗影之境 | 20210209 | 43.69 MB | 648 | 2021-02-09 | 9.0 回鍋版。 | 米利 |
wengyuxuan · 2025-01-04 19:14:33
1x Conceal/Conceal.lua:588: script ran too long
[string "@Conceal/Conceal.lua"]:588: in function `FadeOut'
[string "@Conceal/Conceal.lua"]:801: in function `HideElements'
[string "@Conceal/Conceal.lua"]:854: in function `RefreshGUI'
[string "@Conceal/Conceal.lua"]:538: in function <Conceal/Conceal.lua:536>
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
optionsFrame = Frame {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
baseName = "Conceal"
defaultModuleState = true
name = "Conceal"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
frame = MultiBar7 {
buttonPadding = 2
downKeys = <table> {
buttonTemplate = "MultiBar7ButtonTemplate"
oldGridSettings = <table> {
EMEanchorTo = UIParent {
dividersDirty = false
EMEanchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
hasActiveChanges = false
dirty = false
systemIndex = 8
gridLayoutDirty = false
gridInitialized = true
visibility = "Always"
dirtySettings = <table> {
settingMap = <table> {
systemInfo = <table> {
numRows = 1
savedSystemInfo = <table> {
EMESystemID = 34
settingDisplayInfoMap = <table> {
snappedFrames = <table> {
settingsDialogAnchor = <table> {
isShownExternal = false
systemNameString = "快捷列 %d"
QuickKeybindGlow = Texture {
shownButtonContainers = <table> {
actionButtons = <table> {
minButtonPadding = 2
numButtonsShowable = 12
flyoutDirection = "UP"
addButtonsToTop = true
Selection = Frame {
addButtonsToRight = true
isHorizontal = true
commandNamePrefix = "MULTIACTIONBAR7"
addSystemIndexToName = true
system = 0
numButtons = 12
hideGridEventName = "ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID"
showGridEventName = "ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID"
forced = nil
alphaTimer = 0.250000
frameAlpha = 0.200000
currentAlpha = 1
(*temporary) = "%.2f"
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
wengyuxuan · 2025-01-04 19:14:24
1x MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua:46: attempt to call global 'GetSpellLink' (a nil value)
[string "@MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua"]:46: in function <MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua:45>
[string "@MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua"]:78: in function <MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua:68>
[string "@MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua"]:100: in function <MiliUI/SpellAnnouncer.lua:99>
unit = "party1"
spellID = 29893
messagePrefix = ",請記得拿取。"
detectAsPlayer = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 29893
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetSpellLink' (a nil value)"
米利 · 2025-01-21 12:36:38
龍魂騎士 · 2024-10-14 00:49:01
Error in iteration 1: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 2: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 3: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 4: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 5: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 6: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 7: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 8: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 9: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 10: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 11: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 12: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 13: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 14: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 15: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 16: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 17: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 18: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
Error in iteration 19: bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isSteadyFlight = C_MountJourn
米利 · 2024-10-22 10:58:28
MCL 偶而會出現這個錯誤,平常不需要的時候關閉這個插件即可
龍魂騎士 · 2024-10-26 20:08:21
大大感謝 但我關掉一樣出現錯誤 我該 怎樣處理
米利 · 2024-10-27 02:06:56
Eevee · 2025-02-20 21:36:46
米利 · 2025-03-07 08:09:33
Eevee · 2025-03-07 14:23:42