
Lucas · 2021-03-15 10:54:31


3x TinyTooltip\Options-選項.lua:1048: attempt to index field 'BigFactionIcon' (a nil value)
[string "@TinyTooltip\Options-選項.lua"]:1048: in function `v'
[string "@TinyInspect\libs\LibEvent.lua"]:121: in function `trigger'
[string "@TinyTooltip\Options-選項.lua"]:848: in function <TinyTooltip\Options.lua:848>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua"]:29: in function `InterfaceOptionsList_DisplayPanel'
[string "@FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua"]:47: in function `InterfaceOptionsListButton_OnClick'
[string "*:OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

self = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Options.lua:998
unit = "player"
skipDisable = true
toggleVisible = nil
raw = <table> {
guildRank = "璇星"
classifElite = false
class = "ROGUE"
statusDC = false
role = false
level = 60
reactionName = "友好"
gender = "男性"
guildRealm = "冰風崗哨"
statusDND = false
name = "卡斯哥"
classIcon = "|TTargetingFrame\UI-Classes-Circles:14:14:0:0:256:256:127:190:0:64|t"
statusAFK = false
guildIndex = 6
classifBoss = false
raceName = "不死族"
race = "Scourge"
factionName = "部落"
levelValue = 60
realm = "狂熱之刃"
factionIcon = "|TTargetingFrame\UI-PVP-HORDE:14:14:0:0:64:64:4:38:2:36|t"
creature = "人形生物"
moveSpeed = 115.500003
titleIsPrefix = true
title = "影尊"
factionGroup = "Horde"
classif = "normal"
effectiveLevel = 60
reaction = 5
className = "盜賊"
unit = "player"
classifRare = false
isPlayer = "玩家"
guildName = "Risen Dawn"
frameWidth = 0
lineWidth = 0
totalLines = 1
config = nil
value = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = {
0 =
line = 1
border = {
(*temporary) = "TOPLEFT"
(*temporary) = {
0 =
lines = <table> {
elements = <table> {
close = {
arrow = {
identity = "diy"
tips = {
(*temporary) = "TOPLEFT"
(*temporary) = 14
(*temporary) = -12
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = 0.100000
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = <table> {
BottomLeftCorner = <table> {
TopEdge = <table> {
BottomEdge = <table> {
Center = <table> {
RightEdge = <table> {
TopRightCorner = <table> {
TopLeftCorner = <table> {
LeftEdge = <table> {
BottomRightCorner = <table> {
(*temporary) = "BottomRightCorner"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'BigFactionIcon' (a nil value)"
frame = {
0 =
lines = <table> {
elements = <table> {
close = {
arrow = {
identity = "diy"
tips = {
addon = <table> {
GetLine = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:173
GetRGBColor = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:195
GetClassIcon = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:272
tooltips = <table> {
ColorUnitBackground = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Unit.lua:32
GetBgFile = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:218
filterfunc = <table> {
GetBarFile = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:228
GetUnitSpeed = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:299
GetHexColor = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:183
icons = <table> {
GetUnitData = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:460
GetGender = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:326
bgs = <table> {
GetFont = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:206
GetRoleIcon = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:251
FormatData = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:446
FindLine = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:138
G = <table> {
GetTitle = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:315
db = <table> {
L = <table> {
HideLine = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:150
GetBattlePet = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:291
HideLines = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:163
colorfunc = <table> {
GetZone = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:342
CheckFilter = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:422
GetUnitInfo = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:363
GetRaidIcon = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:264
GetFriendIcon = <function> defined @Interfa