
禾火 · 2021-08-21 16:18:15

Dololo · 2021-08-21 17:07:10

請問已經更新到最新的 9.1.0 版本了嗎?

禾火 · 2021-08-21 17:10:50

44x XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:541: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua"]:541: in function <XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:468>

modifierFunc = <function> defined =[C]:-1
tooltip = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
regularFont = GameTooltipText {
headerFont = GameTooltipHeaderText {
backdropInfo = <table> {
scripts = <table> {
TopRightCorner = <unnamed> {
TopLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
RightEdge = <unnamed> {
scrollFrame = <unnamed> {
cell_margin_v = 3
BottomLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
columns = <table> {
colspans = <table> {
TopEdge = <unnamed> {
BottomEdge = <unnamed> {
lines = <table> {
width = 355.133446
cell_margin_h = 6
key = "SocialToolTip"
labelProvider = <table> {
Center = <unnamed> {
height = 259.483942
scrollChild = <unnamed> {
LeftEdge = <unnamed> {
BottomRightCorner = <unnamed> {
totalBNFriends = 32
totalBNOnlineFriends = 21
totalOnlineFriends = 0
charNameFormat = "60 |cff00fe97宇都宮蘿芙-冰風崗哨|r |cff999999@瘟疫之臨|r"
colorHex = "ff00fe97"
classLocTable = <table> {
武僧 = "MONK"
法師 = "MAGE"
牧師 = "PRIEST"
聖騎士 = "PALADIN"
戰士 = "WARRIOR"
術士 = "WARLOCK"
薩滿 = "SHAMAN"
盜賊 = "ROGUE"
德魯伊 = "DRUID"
獵人 = "HUNTER"
clientsList = <table> {
1 = "WoW"
2 = "S2"
3 = "D3"
4 = "WTCG"
5 = "Hero"
6 = "Pro"
7 = "S1"
8 = "DST2"
9 = "VIPR"
(for index) = 12
(for limit) = 32
(for step) = 1
id = 12
accountInfo = <table> {
isFriend = true
isDND = false
isFavorite = false
gameAccountInfo = <table> {
accountName = "|Kq25|k"
battleTag = "dab#1574"
note = ""
rafLinkType = 0
bnetAccountID = 8
appearOffline = false
customMessage = "普通1-10 來刷聲望仔"
lastOnlineTime = 1629136578
customMessageTime = 1628915315
isAFK = false
isBattleTagFriend = true
battleID = 8
battleName = "|Kq25|k"
charName = nil
gameClient = "OSI"
isAfk = false
isDnd = false
note = ""
level = nil
class = nil
zoneName = nil
realmName = nil
faction = nil
richPresence = ""
status = "線上"
statusIcon = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Online"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "FriendsFrame\PlusManz-Horde"
(*temporary) = "|TFriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Away:16|t 60 |cff00fe97宇都宮蘿芙-冰風崗哨|r |cff999999@瘟疫之臨|r"
(*temporary) = " |cff82c5ff|Kq7|k|r |TFriendsFrame\PlusManz-Horde:16|t"
(*temporary) = <function> defined @!Ace3\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1420
(*temporary) = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
regularFont = GameTooltipText {
headerFont = GameTooltipHeaderText {
backdropInfo = <table> {
scripts = <table> {
TopRightCorner = <unnamed> {
TopLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
RightEdge = <unnamed> {
scrollFrame = <unnamed> {
cell_margin_v = 3
BottomLeftCorner = <unnamed> {
columns = <table> {
colspans = <table> {
TopEdge = <unnamed> {
BottomEdge = <unnamed> {
lines = <table> {
width = 355.133446
cell_margin_h = 6
key = "SocialToolTip"
labelProvider = <table> {
Center = <unnamed> {
height = 259.483942
scrollChild = <unnamed> {
LeftEdge = <unnamed> {
BottomRightCorner = <unnamed> {
(*temporary) = 13
(*temporary) = "OnMouseUp"
(*temporary) = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\modules\micromenu.lua:597
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
xb = <table> {
defaults = <table> {
ResetUI = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:393
HoverColors = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:174
HexToRGBA = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:340
modules = <table> {
baseName = "XIV_Databar"
IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @!!!EaseAddonController\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:442
GetColor = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:169
fontFlags = <table> {
GetTextColorOptions = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:604
RegisterFrame = <function> defined @XIV_Databar\core.lua:192
Printf = <function> defined @!Ace3\AceConsole

Dololo · 2021-08-21 17:25:51
