您好 我使用UI提供的方案管理要載入分身使用平常在玩的UI設定檔案的時候沒有辦法載入設定檔 不曉得要怎麼修正這個問題3x !!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua:189: attempt to call global 'DisableAddOn' (a nil value) [string "@!!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua"]:189: in function `EnableOrDisableAddOn' [string "@!!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua"]:178: in function `LoadProfile' [string "@!!!EaseAddonController/ProfilesUI.lua"]:15: in function `OnAccept' [string "@Blizzard_StaticPopup/StaticPopup.lua"]:1023: in function `StaticPopup_OnClick' [string "*StaticPopup.xml:23_OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*StaticPopup.xml:23_OnClick"]:1>
骨頭遭兜起 · 2024-10-26 18:26:19
您好 我使用UI提供的方案管理要載入分身使用平常在玩的UI設定檔案的時候沒有辦法載入設定檔不曉得要怎麼修正這個問題
3x !!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua:189: attempt to call global 'DisableAddOn' (a nil value)
dbm-party-cataclysm = 1
[string "@!!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua"]:189: in function `EnableOrDisableAddOn'
[string "@!!!EaseAddonController/Profiles.lua"]:178: in function `LoadProfile'
[string "@!!!EaseAddonController/ProfilesUI.lua"]:15: in function `OnAccept'
[string "@Blizzard_StaticPopup/StaticPopup.lua"]:1023: in function `StaticPopup_OnClick'
[string "*StaticPopup.xml:23_OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*StaticPopup.xml:23_OnClick"]:1>
self = <table> {
f = <table> {
eventFrame = Frame {
db = <table> {
addons = <table> {
buttonforge = 0
dbm-delves-warwithin = 1
dbm-party-mop = 1
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bigdebuffs = 0
combattimetracker = 0
dbm-party-wotlk = 1
jst_mythic+ = 1
clearmappin = 1
opie = 1
xiv_databar_continued = 1
tinyinspect-reforged = 1
masque_fusion = 1
rangedisplay_options = 1
auctionator = 1
omnicc = 1
dbm-raids-warwithin = 1
!!!gmfonts = 1
plater = 1
ls_glass = 1
focusinterruptsounds = 0
zz_bufftimes = 1
keystoneloot = 0
stuf_options = 1
allthethings = 1
hekili = 1
dragonrider = 1
details = 1
weakaurasarchive = 1
silverdragon_rangeextender = 1
keymaster = 1
editmodeexpanded = 1
friendgroups = 1
craftsim = 0
luckyares = 0
dbm-scenario-mop = 1
colorpickerplus = 1
fflu = 1
reloadui = 1
ls_toasts = 1
leatrix_plus = 1
dbm-party-vanilla = 1
silverdragon_overlay = 1
tullarange = 1
ipmythictimer = 0
tinychat = 1
questplates = 1
loihloot = 1
accountant_classic = 1
masque_serenity = 1
masque = 0
dbm-brawlers = 1
buyemall = 1
silverplatetweaks = 1
masque_raeli = 1
interruptedin = 0
nameplatesct = 1
dbm-worldevents = 1
dbm-test = 1
savedinstances = 0
tankmd = 0
dbm-gui = 1
noautoclose = 0
raiderio_db_tw_f = 1
dbm-party-dragonflight = 1
spy = 0
dbm-dragonisles = 1
smartquest = 1
targetnameplateindicator = 1
weakaurasoptions = 1
mythicpluspullreestimated = 1
handyminimaparrow = 0
mdtguide = 1
btwquests = 0
dbm-party-warwithin = 1
masque_renaitre = 1
dominos_config = 1
enhbloodlust = 1
!buggrabber = 1
raiderio_db_tw_m = 1
maillogger = 1
reporter = 0
krowi_extendedvendorui = 1
masque_diablo_iii = 1
handynotes = 1
teleportmenu = 1
weakauras = 1
blockmessageteamguard = 0
dominos_roll = 0
details_raidcheck = 1
silverdragon = 0
vuhdooptions = 1
details_streamer = 1
battlepetbreedid = 0
dbm-party-wod = 1
postal = 1
masque_trinity = 1
dbm-pvp = 1
dialogueui = 1
yougotmail = 1
dbm-statusbartimers = 1
raiderio_db_tw_r = 1
actioncamplus = 0
details_tinythreat = 1
xansoundalerts = 1
dbm-core = 1
details_datastorage = 1
masque_shadow = 1
btwqueststhewarwithin = 1
dbm-party-bfa = 1
blizzbuffsfacade = 1
dbm-vpvem = 1
hidingbar_options = 1
autopotion = 1
baganator = 1
unlimitedmappindistance = 1
jsfilter = 0
gathermate2 = 0
btwquestsdragonflight = 1
adventureguidelockouts = 1
hidingbar = 1
quicktargets = 0
dbm-vpsahajh = 1
tidyplates_threatplates = 0
drift = 1
icyveinsstatpriority = 1
weakaurastemplates = 1
masque_shadowlands = 1
silverdragon_history = 1
meepmerp = 1
rangedisplay = 1
dbm-affixes = 1
battlegroundenemies = 0
dbm-vpsaha = 1
weakaurasmodelpaths = 1
calreminder = 1
gathermate2_data = 1
fatalarenaframes = 0
omnicd = 1
raiderio = 1
litebuttonauras = 1
rematch = 0
dbm-challenges = 1
wim = 1
tinytooltip-reforged = 1
btwloadouts = 0
sharedmedia_rainbow = 1
cell = 1
baganator-simple = 1
gtfo = 1
jst_nerubarpalace = 1
sharedmedia_bns = 1
dbm-raids-mop = 1
details_encounterdetails = 1
dbm-party-legion = 1
details_compare2 = 1
syndicator = 1
bravosuiimprovements = 1
masqueblizzbars = 1
mythicdungeontools = 1
dbm-test-dungeons = 1
dbm-party-shadowlands = 1
pawn = 1
mrt = 1
dffriendlynameplates = 1
simpleitemlevel = 1
copyanything = 1
premadesort = 1
stuf = 0
masque_entropy = 1
dbm-vpyike = 1
dbm-pandaria = 1
stuf_range = 1
hideactionbaranimations = 0
vuhdo = 0
jst_soundpackcn = 1
easyconversion = 0
dbm-raids-dragonflight = 1
dominos_progress = 1
tullarange_config = 1
paragonreputation = 1
dbm-test-warwithin = 1
molinari = 0
dbm-khazalgar = 1
cursortrail = 0
details_vanguard = 1
bugsack = 1
dominos = 0
leatrix_maps = 1
omnicc_config = 1
decursive = 0
!!!easeaddoncontroller = 1
sexymap = 0
jst = 1
dbm-countpack-overwatch = 1
dbm-party-bc = 1
randomhearth = 1
shooter = 1
(for state) = <table> {
buttonforge = 0
dbm-delves-warwithin = 1
dbm-party-mop = 1
easyframes = 0
bigdebuffs = 0
combattimetracker = 0
dbm-party-wotlk = 1
Dololo · 2024-10-26 18:39:20
另外,如果 11.0 改版後還沒有刪除過 WTF 資料夾,也要一起刪除 WTF 。
骨頭遭兜起 · 2024-10-26 18:45:57
Release 彩虹ui整合包 v11.0 (地心之戰專用) · WOWRainbowUI/RainbowUI-Retail · GitHub
RainbowUI-Retail-11.0a.zip這個壓縮包更新的 請問有新版的控制台版本嗎
骨頭遭兜起 · 2024-10-26 18:56:20
Dololo · 2024-10-26 19:26:49